Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


My trip to Winnipeg happened in the heart of winter, so getting around was a bit of a challenge. Instead of walking, which is my preferred method of exploring, I resorted to taking the taxi. Here’s what I ended up doing in Winnipeg…

Attractions & Food

  1. The Canadian Museum of Human Rights

    I love museums and naturally this is where I decided to spend most of my time. I must have spent close to three hours here and it was fascinating - albeit quite depressing at times. It would have helped if you went here with someone but that wasn’t an option for me as a stranger in the city with such limited time.

  2. The Forks

    A historic site located where the two rivers (The Red River and The Assiniboine River) converge, The Forks was a meeting place where groups of early aboriginal peoples met and traded (archaeological digs have revealed artifacts dating back 6000 years) including up to and and after colonization. Currently in the area, there’s a market space with little shops and a central food court in addition to an ice rink and other recreational activities. I found the foodcourt to be quaint and well lit with a restaurant in the centre serving drinks, so you can order a glass of wine and take in the sites and sounds around you. For dinner, I went to a Japanese fusion place called KYU Grill and ordered fish grilled skewer sandwich on a sweet bun, drizzled with Japanese inspired sauces. SO good.

What I liked about the city

I must say I barely had a chance to explore but I really enjoyed the Canadian Museum of Human Rights. That was definitely my highlight and I was looking forward to visiting this place for some time. I just didn’t realize it would happen so soon in my life.

The food that I sampled in the shops was amazing…definitely not what I had expected or anticipated but when I think about it, I don’t know what I was expecting to begin with. Needless to say, I was very impressed with the food.

What I found odd/disliked

During winter, the city seems very inaccessible if you don’t drive and calling a cab takes a while. I found the traffic comparable to Toronto’s rush hours which was ridiculous given the fact that Toronto has over 2 million people and Winnipeg has close to 750k. Maybe it was construction? Regardless…the city would be better to visit during summer or spring time if I was to go again. Oh, also if you have a car or a friend that has a car - that’s a plus.